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The Constitution of the Jesus College Boat Club 

As ratified on 19/10/2019 and amended on 02/06/2020, 08/05/2021, 29/04/2022, and 25/10/2023.

Part I: General 

1. This is the Constitution of Jesus College Boat Club (hereinafter known as ‘the Club’).

2. The Club shall serve as the rowing club of Jesus College, Cambridge (hereinafter known as ‘the College’). 

3. The Club shall be affiliated to the Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs (hereinafter known as ‘the CUCBC’) and British Rowing (hereinafter known as ‘BR’). 4. All rules, regulations, and other requirements of the CUCBC and BR shall be followed by the Club and its Members. 

5. The objectives of the Club are: 

a. To promote and provide opportunities for participation in the sport of rowing for the student body of the College 

b. To represent, and maximise the success of the College in rowing 

competitions. Particular regard should be paid to the CUCBC Lent and May Bumping Races, and The Fairbairn Cup. 


Part II: Officers and committee 

1. The Officers of the Club shall be: a President; a Men’s Captain; a Women’s Captain; a Men's Vice-Captain; a Women's Vice-Captain; a Treasurer; a Fairbairns Secretary; Secretary; Men’s Lower Boats Captain(s); Women's Lower Boats Captain(s); Webmaster(s); Social secretary/ies; Coxing Captain; Welfare Officer(s); a Boatperson; Fundraising Officer(s); a Safety Officer; and a Senior Treasurer. 

2. The Senior Officers shall be: the President, the Women’s Captain; the Men’s Captain; the Coxing Captain; the Women’s Vice-Captain; the Men’s Vice-Captain; the Treasurer; and the Secretary. 

3. With the exception of the Secretary and the President, no Senior Officer may hold a second Office of the Club. The President may hold up to one other Office. The secretary may also hold the role of Fairbairns Secretary.

4. Each Senior Office will be held by one person. The other Offices may be held by any number of people. 

5. The Senior Treasurer and Boatperson shall be appointed by the College. Other Officers shall be elected in accordance with Part V. 

6. When multiple persons are elected to the same Office, they will each be Officers of the Club in their own right. 

7. The Committee of the Club (hereinafter known as ‘the Committee’) shall consist of the Officers of the Club with the exception of the Senior Treasurer and the Boatperson. 

8. The term of office of the Senior Treasurer and the Boatperson shall be decided by the College. 

9. The normal term of office of all other Officers shall conclude at 23:59 on the final day of competition at Henley Royal Regatta, or at 23:59 on the 31st July, whichever is earlier in each year. At this moment the newly elected Officers shall take over. 

10. The President shall have first refusal of the Captain of Boats room at the College. If they do not wish to take up the room they must offer it to the Men’s and Women’s

Captains. If the President and neither Captain wishes to take up the room, the President may offer it to other Officer(s) at their discretion. 

11. There may be up to three co-opted members of the Committee, who shall be treated as Officers of the Club except for the process for their appointment or election. 12. Co-opted Committee members may be appointed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Committee for a term not exceeding one year. The motion appointing such a member shall specify the length of their term, when the term starts, and the duties of the role. 13. A motion appointing a co-opted Committee member may, instead of naming a person to the role, specify that there will be an election to the role. 

Part III: Membership 

1. The Members of the Club are anyone who: 

a. is eligible for one of the classes of membership as specified in Clause 3 of this Part; 

b. has agreed to be bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Club, including, but not limited to, this Constitution, and a Code of Conduct which may be produced by the Committee; 

c. has not been suspended or expelled from the Club; 

d. has not been expelled from, or refused membership of, BR; 

e. And has not resigned their membership of the Club. 

2. A Member of the Club may resign their membership at any time giving one week’s notice by writing to the Secretary. 

3. The classes of membership are: Full Members, Honorary Members, Alumni Members, and Temporary Members. 

a. Full Members: Eligibility is limited to members of the College in statu pupillari.

b. Honorary Members: Eligibility is limited to anyone who may represent the College in the CUCBC Bumping Races but is not eligible to be a Full Member; and anyone else who, having contributed significantly to the Club, has been invited by the President. 

c. Alumni Members: Eligibility is limited to former Full Members who are no longer in statu pupillari. 

d. Temporary Members: Eligibility is limited to anyone who has permission from a Senior Officer or the Boatperson to use or represent the Club on a time-limited basis. 

4. Members will signify their acceptance of the Rules and Regulations of the Club by signing a form which may also contain relevant health and safety declarations, as advised by the Safety Officer. The Boatperson and/or Secretary shall keep these forms. 

5. Members of the Club shall not be required to pay any entrance or subscription fee. 6. Members of the Club may use any facilities of the Club with permission of an Officer.

Part IV: Duties of the Officers 

1. All Officers must respect decisions of Committee Meetings and General Meetings, including any additional duties placed upon them by resolutions of said meetings.

2. The duties of the President shall be: 

a. to have overall responsibility for the affairs of the Club that are not specific to either the Men’s or Women’s boats; 

b. to arbitrate and resolve disputes between Officers of the Club; 

c. to represent the Club to external bodies, including BR, the CUCBC, the College, the Jesus College Student’s Union, and the Jesus College Boat Club Trust; 

d. and to deal with or delegate any other matters arising in the affairs of the Club which are not otherwise specified. 

3. The duties of the Men’s Captain shall be: 

a. to have overall responsibility for the affairs of the Men’s boats at the Club;

b. to be the final authority, taking into account the opinion of the Club’s coaches, on selection decisions for the Men’s boats; 

c. to organise training and racing of the 1st Men’s VIII; 

d. and to represent the Club at the CUCBC Captains’ Meetings. 

4. The duties of the Women’s Captain shall be: 

a. to have overall responsibility for the affairs of the Women’s boats at the Club;

b. to be the final authority, taking into account the opinion of the Club’s coaches, on selection decisions for the Women’s boats; 

c. to organise training and racing of the 1st Women’s VIII; 

d. and to represent the Club at the CUCBC Captains’ Meetings. 

5. The duties of the Women’s Vice-captain shall be: 

a. to assist the Women’s Captain; 

b. to organise training and racing of the 2nd Women’s VIII; 

c. in coordination with the Women’s Captain and any coaches, select the 2nd Women’s VIII; 

d. and, in coordination with the Men’s Vice-captain, organise kit orders for Members of the Club. 

6. The duties of the Men’s Vice-captain shall be: 

a. to assist the Men’s Captain; 

b. to organise training and racing of the 2nd Men’s VIII; 

c. in coordination with the Men’s Captain and any coaches, select the 2nd Men’s VIII; 

d. and, in coordination with the Women’s Vice-captain, organise kit orders for Members of the Club. 

7. The duties of the Men’s Lower Boat Captain(s) shall be: 

a. to organise recruitment of novices, in coordination with the Women’s Lower Boat Captains and the Social Secretaries; 

b. to organise training and racing of the Men’s novice boats during the Michaelmas term;

c. to organise training and racing of any Men’s lower boats (that is, boats below the 2nd VIII) which exist. 

8. The duties of the Women’s Lower Boat Captain(s) shall be: 

a. to organise recruitment of novices, in coordination with the Men’s Lower Boat Captains and the Social Secretaries; 

b. to organise training and racing of the Women’s novice boats during the Michaelmas term; 

c. And to organise training and racing of any Women’s lower boats (that is, boats below the 2nd VIII) which exist. 

9. The duties of the Treasurer shall be: 

a. to have overall responsibility for the financial affairs of the Club;

b. to collect and distribute all monies belonging to the Club; 

c. to keep proper records of all financial transactions of the Club; 

d. and to present these accounts as required elsewhere in this Constitution;

10. The duties of the Secretary shall be: 

a. to take minutes at Committee and General Meetings; 

b. to organise termly Boat Club Dinners and the annual Buftie Hall, including notifying Alumni Members of these events; 

c. to maintain the Club’s records; 

d. and to arrange race entries; 

11. The duties of the Fairbairns Secretary shall be: 

a. the organisation of the annual Fairbairns Races, including advertising, entries, safety, and any other matters arising in connection with the event; 

b. to be the final authority in any disputes arising from the Fairbairns Races; c. and to coordinate and promote activities for the Alumni Members of the Club.

12. The duties of the Webmaster shall be: 

a. to maintain and update the Club’s website; 

b. to maintain and update the Club’s social media presence; 

c. And to ensure that the Club’s mailing lists are correct. 

13. The duties of the Coxing Captain shall be: 

a. to arrange training for the Club’s coxswains, both novice and senior;

b. to assist with the recruitment of coxswains; 

c. to advise other Officers of the Club on any matters relating to coxing;

d. to take responsibility for the Club’s coxing equipment, including cox boxes and life jackets; 

e. and to represent the views of the Club’s coxswains. 

14. The duties of the Welfare Officer shall be: 

a. to undergo training organised by the College in relation to their role;

b. to assist Members with any issues arising related to their welfare;

c. to advise Officers on matters relating to any person’s welfare; 

d. and to work with the Safety Officer to ensure that the Club fulfills its duty of care for its Members. 

15. The duties of the Social Secretary/ies shall be: 

a. to arrange social activities for Members of the Club.

16. The duties of the Boatperson shall be: 

a. to maintain the equipment of the Club, including boats, oars, and the boathouse; 

b. to act as head coach of the Club, and to advise on coaching for the Club, unless the Men’s and/or Women’s Captains decide otherwise; 

c. and to act as Safety Officer of the Club, unless the Committee appoint another person to this position. 

17. The duties of the Fundraising Officer shall be:

a. to find and maintain income opportunities, including sponsorship;
b. to organise events and other activities that contribute to the Club’s income.

18. The duties of the Safety Officer shall be: 

a. to understand the requirements of RowSafe, as published by BR; 

b. to fulfill the requirements placed upon the Safety Officer by the CUCBC;

c. to take any action necessary to ensure that the Club complies with these documents, including the prominent display of relevant documents and information in the boathouse or other suitable location. 

19. The duties of the Senior Treasurer shall be as defined by the College and/or the University of Cambridge. 


Part V: Election of Officers 

1. The provisions of this part exclude the offices of Senior Treasurer and Boatperson.

2. The Returning Officer for the Annual Election of Officers, including for President, will be the current President, and the Deputy Returning Officer will be either the Men’s or Women’s Captain. The Returning Officer and the Deputy Returning Officer cannot be the same person. The Committee may vary this provision by vote, and will select between the Men’s and Women’s Captain in case of a dispute. 

3. If the Returning Officer or the Deputy Returning Officer become a candidate for any Office, they will nominate a substitute to act as Returning Officer for election to that Office. This choice of person may be appealed by any three Full Members; such an appeal shall be heard by the Committee before the election takes place, and the Committee’s decision shall be final. 

4. The Annual Elections shall take place on the third weekend of Easter Full Term of the University of Cambridge. The Returning Officer shall select a date and time which is most convenient for Full Members. 

5. Notice of elections must be published in the College’s Boathouse and distributed to Full Members by the Returning Officer at least 10 days prior to the election. The notice must include: 

a. the date and time of the election; 

b. the place that the election will be held, which must be within the College or its Boathouse, and accessible to all Full Members; 

c. invitation to submit nominations, and their form, place of delivery, to whom they should be delivered to, and their deadline (which shall be no earlier than 24 hours and no later than 12 hours before the time of the election);

d. who the Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer shall be; e. and the arrangements for any hustings that will take place, including those which may take place at the same time as the election. 

6. Any Member of the Club, who reasonably expects to be a Full Member for the full term of office, may be nominated for election to any Office. This includes current Officers who may stand for re-election and/or election to a different Office.

7. Nominations must include: 

a. the name(s) and signature(s) of the candidate(s), indicating their consent;

b. the role for which they are being nominated for; 

c. and the name and signature of a nominator and seconder, who must be Full Members of the Club. 

8. For Offices which may be held by multiple people, a group may stand by submitting a single nomination listing all of their names. Individual nominees may also choose to stand as a group at any point before the vote for the Office occurs. 

9. A candidate may withdraw themselves at any time before the vote for the position for which they are a candidate. 

10. At least 10 hours before the election, the Returning Officer shall distribute a list of candidates for each Office with their nominator and seconder.. 

11. If 10 hours before the election takes place any Office has no candidates, then nominations for said Office(s) shall be reopened by the Returning Officer. Nominations for these Offices will remain open until the start of the elections, and eligible candidates may submit themselves as candidates verbally to the Returning Officer without a nominator or seconder. 

12. Full Members present at the election are entitled to vote, except that no person may vote in any election for which they are a candidate. Other Members may be present at the elections and participate in any hustings taking place but may not vote. No one else may be present without permission of the Returning Officer. 

13. The procedure for voting shall be, for each Office, as follows. 

a. The Returning Officer confirms the options available. These may consist of any number of candidates and/or groups of candidates. There will always be an option for re-open nominations (‘RON’). At this time, candidates running individually may choose to form a group or join a group also running for the same Office. 

b. Candidates for the Office being voted upon leave the room. 

c. Everyone present, excluding the Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer are instructed to close their eyes. This is to ensure that voting remains anonymous. Any person attempting to violate this will have their vote voided, take no further part in the election, and may have further sanctions, up to and including possible expulsion from the Club, imposed upon them at the discretion of the Committee. 

d. For each voting option the following will happen: 

i. The Returning Officer will name the option. 

ii. Full Members eligible to vote and wishing to vote for the option will raise their hands. No person may vote for more than one option. 

iii. The Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer will independently count the number of votes.

e. Step (d) will be repeated until the Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer agree on the number of votes cast for each option. 

f. If any one option receives a majority of the votes cast then they will be elected. If RON receives a majority of the votes cast then the provisions of clause 18 will apply. 

g. Otherwise, the option which receives the fewest votes (or all options with the joint fewest votes) will be eliminated and steps (c)-(g) are repeated. If this eliminates all options then the provisions of clause 19 will apply. 

h. Members will be invited to open their eyes, and candidates will be allowed into the room. The name of the person elected will be immediately announced by the Returning Officer. 

14. In the case of a person elected to a Senior Office having already been elected or holding another Office(s) for the same term which is not President, they must immediately resign from the non-Senior Office(s). 

15. In the case of a person elected to a Senior Office, they must immediately withdraw themselves as a candidate for all other Offices at the same election except for President. 

16. A person elected to the Offices of Men's Vice-Captain; Women's Vice- Captain; Fairbairns Secretary; Men’s Lower Boats Captain; Women's Lower Boats Captain; Webmaster; Social Secretary; or Welfare Officer must immediately withdraw themselves as a candidate for President. 

17. Voting for the President will occur immediately after all other votes using the same procedure as all other Offices 

18. If there are no candidates for an Office or if RON is selected for an Office then a by-election will take place on the following weekend for that Office using the same procedure as the Annual Election. If there are still no candidate for an Office, then the newly-elected committee will decide how to proceed 

19. If there is a tie between two candidates at the Annual Election or at a by-election the newly-elected committee will select between the two candidates at a Special Committee Meeting of the newly-elected committee, which should be held before they take office. 

20. Members may not circulate any material, nor incur any expenditure, in connection with an election or by-election. 

21. Complaints regarding the conduct of candidates should be made in writing to the Returning Officer who will investigate the complaint immediately and rule on any consequences, which may include disqualification of a candidate, before the election or by-election. Appeals of their decision will be to a Committee Meeting whose decision shall be final. 

22. If any situation arises in connection with an election or by-election which is not dealt with in this Constitution then the Returning Officer, or in their absence the Deputy Returning Officer, shall have the power to take any reasonable action they deem necessary. Appeals of their decision will be to a Committee Meeting whose decision shall be final


Part VI: Committee meetings 

1. Decisions of the Committee, as required by this Constitution, or for any other reason, will only take place at a Committee meeting that fulfills its quorum. 

2. Any Officer may call a Committee meeting during Full Term of the University of Cambridge by notifying the Committee of the meeting’s location, date, and time with at least 48 hours notice. The location must be accessible by all members of the Committee. 

3. In exceptional circumstances which require urgent action by the Committee, the President may call a Committee meeting without any timing or location restrictions.

4. A Committee meeting’s Chair is the President, unless they delegate this duty.

5. Decisions of the Chair may be overruled by a vote of the Committee.

6. All Officers of the Club are entitled to attend all Committee meetings. The Chair may invite anyone else to attend and/or speak at some or all of any meeting.

7. The Chair of a meeting will designate a Committee member who will: take minutes; distribute them to all Officers of the Club within 48 hours of the conclusion of the meeting; and make the minutes available to all Members of the Club within one week of the conclusion of the meeting. This duty will normally be fulfilled by the Secretary.

8. The Chair may declare some or all of the meeting as Reserved. Minutes from the Reserved portions of any meeting will only be available to Officers of the Club.

9. At a minimum, the minutes of a Committee meeting will contain who was present at the meeting, the votes of each Committee member in all votes at the meeting, and the major arguments put forward within the meeting. 

10. The Senior Officers will each have two votes, other Committee members will each have one vote. In the case of an Officer holding more than two Offices, they shall have only the votes of one of these Offices. In the case of multiple persons holding the same Office, each person shall have one vote. 

11. A Committee meeting fulfills its quorum if Officers representing at least half of the votes of the Committee are present. 

12. Decisions and votes of the Committee will, unless otherwise specified by this Constitution, be determined by a simple majority of votes cast. 

13. Only Committee members present at a meeting may vote. 

14. In the case of a tie, the Chair shall have a casting vote. 

15. A motion requiring a two-thirds majority vote is passed if twice or more votes are received in favour of the motion than against it. There is no casting vote when a two-thirds majority is required. 

16. All votes will be by a show of hands unless the Chair decides that the vote will be by secret ballot. In the case of a secret ballot, the number of votes for each option will be recorded in the minutes. 

17. Any Committee member may propose a motion or amendment to a motion, which they may then press to a vote following speeches by anyone present who wishes to speak.

18. The Chair may conclude the meeting or curtail speeches for the purposes of ensuring the meeting concludes in a timely fashion. Objections to this shall be put to a vote immediately without debate. 

19. Any matter arising at a Committee meeting not provided for in this Constitution shall be dealt with by the meeting’s Chair. 

Part VII: General Meetings 

1. A General Meeting shall only take place during Full Term of the University of Cambridge. If this requirement conflicts with another requirement in this Constitution, the President will choose which takes priority. The President must take into account the urgency of the reason for the General Meeting and the ability of Full Members to attend any meeting in making this decision. 

2. A General Meeting shall be organised by the Secretary if any of the following occur.

a. The Secretary receiving a petition from at least 10 Full Members which includes a motion to be debated at the General Meeting. The meeting shall take place within 14 days of the petition being received unless the petition specifies a longer duration. 

b. Any two Senior Officers, or any five Officers request one. The meeting shall take place within 14 days of the request being received unless the request specifies a longer duration. 

c. Any provision of this Constitution requires one. 

3. At least 7 days notice shall be given to all Members of the Club of any General Meeting. This notice should specify the reason the meeting was called (including a copy of any petition received by the Secretary), its date, time, and location. The location shall be within the main site of the College or its Boathouse and accessible to all Members. 

4. If the Secretary fails to comply with the above requirements, any other Officer may perform this duty. The person who sends the notice will hereinafter be known as the Notifier. 

5. Any motion to be voted on at a General Meeting must be submitted to the Notifier at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Other motions, subject to permission of the meeting’s Chair, may be debated, but may not be voted on at the meeting. 

6. An agenda including all such motions to be debated will be sent by the Notifier at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. 

7. A General Meeting’s Chair will be the President, who may delegate this duty. The Chair’s decisions may be overruled by a vote of those present at the General Meeting. 

8. A General Meeting fulfills its quorum if either of the following conditions are met:

a. 15 Members of the Club are in attendance. 

b. At least 50% of Full Members who have both represented the Club within the last 6 months and are still Full Members are in attendance. 

9. A General Meeting which does not fulfill its quorum may be postponed by up to 30 minutes by its Char. If the quorum is still not fulfilled then the General Meeting will be dissolved.

10. The Chair of a meeting will designate an attendee who will take minutes and distribute them to all Members of the Club within 48 hours of the conclusion of the meeting. This duty will normally be fulfilled by the Secretary. 

11. At a minimum, the minutes will contain the number of votes for each option voted on and the major arguments for and against each item voted on at the meeting.

12. Any Member of the Club who is present may vote at a General Meeting, and each Member will have one vote. 

13. The Chair may curtail speeches for the purposes of ensuring the meeting concludes in good time. Objections to this shall be put to a vote immediately without debate. 14. All items on the agenda, which are not withdrawn by their proposer, must be voted on before the meeting can be concluded. 

15. Any Member present at a General Meeting may put forward, and press to a vote, an amendment to a motion, unless the Chair rules an amendment is not made in good faith. 

16. Any matter arising at a Committee meeting not provided for in this Constitution shall be dealt at the Chair’s discretion. 

Part VIII: Resignation, and removal of Officers 

1. Any Officer may be removed from their Office by a vote of no-confidence passed by the Committee with a two-thirds majority. 

2. In the case of an Officer holding multiple Offices, a separate vote of no-confidence is required for each Office. 

3. Such a vote will take effect immediately and the person removed must be notified as quickly as reasonably possible by the Chair of the meeting at which the vote occurs

4. Anyone removed from their Office may subsequently have that dismissal revoked by calling a General Meeting, wherein they receive a ‘confidence vote’, passed by a majority of those Members present and voting on the issue. 

5. An Officer may resign by giving written notice to the President. 

Part IX: Absence and vacation of Offices 

1. An Office will be considered vacant if the Officer resigns, is removed from their post, or ceases to be a Member of the Club. 

2. A vacant Office shall be fulfilled by means of a by-election, unless the vacancy occurs less than 21 days from the next Annual Election in which case it shall remain vacant until the election. 

3. By-elections will be held electronically if the Office becomes vacant: outside of Full Term of the University of Cambridge and more than 21 days from another term starting; or within 7 days of the end of Full Term. Otherwise, a by-election will be held on the earliest possible date within Full term provided that at least 7 days notice of the by-election is given and it occurs on a weekend. The procedure shall be the same as an Annual Election, except where the Returning Officer decides it necessary to vary the procedure. 

4. Electronic by-elections shall follow the same procedure as a by-election except that:

a. Nominations will not require a nominator or seconder and will be open for at least 14 days. Submission will be by e-mail to the Returning Officer and any other method that the Returning Officer deems suitable. 

b. Voting will be performed online in a manner to be determined by the Returning Officer. 

c. A period of at least 7 days is given during which voting can occur. Manifestos of candidate(s) standing, and instructions for voting, will be distributed by the Returning Officer to Full Members before the start of this period. 

d. The Returning Officer will make suitable provisions to verify that only eligible Members are voting and there is no double-voting. 

e. In the case of technical issues or any Member eligible to vote being unable to do so, the Returning Officer may make any reasonable provisions, including extending the period of time voting is open for, provided that the fairness of the by-election is not affected. 

5. Officers elected in a by-election will serve until the end of the term of the Officer which they have replaced. 

6. An Officer will be considered unable to perform a duty if, when required to perform said duty, any of the following apply: the Office is vacant for any reason; the Officer is unwilling to perform such a duty; or the Officer cannot perform the duty for any reason, including, but not limited to, illness, injury, and death. 

7. If an Officer who is not the President is unable to perform a duty then the President shall decide who shall perform the duty. 

8. In the case of the President being unable to perform a duty, including the duty specified by the previous clause, the Officer on the first line in the following list who is able to fulfill the duty is required to fulfill it. In the case of multiple Officers on the same line being able to fulfill the duty, the eldest Officer shall be required to do so.

a. The Men's Captain and Women’s Captain, 

b. the Coxing Captain, 

c. the Secretary, 

d. the Treasurer, 

e. the Men’s Vice-Captain and Women’s Vice-Captain, 

f. the Fairbairns Secretary, 

g. the Men’s Lower Boat Captain and Women's Lower Boat Captain, h. the Welfare Officer, 

i. the Webmaster, 

j. the Social Secretary, 

k. the Boatperson, 

l. the Senior Treasurer. 

Part X: Conduct, grievances, and disciplinary procedures 

1. Any member violating any of the rules or regulations of the Club or being judged guilty of unsatisfactory conduct may, by decision of the Committee, be suspended, or expelled.

2. Any member so suspended or expelled may appeal to an independent Hearings Panel if such an appeal is approved by any three Officers. The panel may be drawn from the membership of the Club or from other clubs in the region. The panel will hear and receive evidence, reach a conclusion, affirm or reject the sanctions imposed as appropriate. 

3. Any hearings panel must give a fair and independent hearing to the appellant within an appropriate timescale. Hearings must not contravene the Human Rights Act 1998 or any other policies of the Club and/or BR. 

4. An individual or member with a complaint about treatment by the Club should set out their grievance, in the first instance to the President. The Club will seek to deal with complaints and welfare concerns in a fair and timely manner, with reference to Jesus College Boat Club Code of Conduct and Complaints Guidance and British Rowing’s Guidelines on Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures in Rowing.

Part XI: Equal opportunities and child protection policies 

1. The Club is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity and is responsible for ensuring that no member, volunteer, employee or job applicant receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religious belief(s), social status, sexual orientation or political belief(s). 

2. The Club accepts the policy and procedures relating to Child Protection and the Protection of Adults at Risk as set out by BR, and requires all members to accept them as a condition of membership. 

Part XII: Finances 

1. The Treasurer shall maintain a bank account for the Club. 

2. All payments received by the Club shall be paid into this account unless the President and Treasurer both approve otherwise. 

3. Payments may be made from this account with the approval of any two Senior Officers, one of whom is the Treasurer, and may be vetoed by a motion of the Committee. The Senior Treasurer may place additional restrictions on payments. In any case, payments must be to further the objectives of the Club. 

4. In no circumstances can any profit be distributed to Members. 

5. The Treasurer shall submit to the first Committee meeting of each academic year the income and expenditure from the most recently concluded financial year alongside an estimate of the same for the current year. 

6. Financial or legal liability incurred in the rightful exercise of their office shall not be the personal liability of the Committee, but shall be the responsibility of the Club as a whole. The Committee should ensure that adequate and appropriate public or preferably civil liability insurance is in place to cover all the activities of the Club, its Committee, and Members. 


Part XIII: Constitutional amendments 

1. This Constitution may be amended with immediate effect by a two-thirds majority vote of a Committee meeting or a General Meeting. 

2. If an amendment is passed by the Committee, the Secretary shall notify Members of the Club within 24 hours. 

3. If 10 or more Members of the Club object to an amendment passed by the Committee within one week of notification of the amendment, the amendment will be considered nullified immediately and a General Meeting of the Club shall be held. The amendment must receive a two-thirds majority at the General Meeting to be reinstated. 

4. No amendment may be voted on by the Committee which is substantially the same as an amendment nullified under the previous clause within a year of the nullification. 

Part IX: Other matters 

1. The Club shall not terminate except by a resolution of a General Meeting convened for the purpose and, in such an event, any surplus assets shall be handed over to the College for the purpose of furthering the objectives of the Club. 

2. Any matter not provided for in this constitution, or any question over the interpretation of it shall be dealt with by the President, whose decision may be appealed to a vote of the Committee. The decision of the Committee in such matters shall be final. 

3. Accidental Omission of a notice, or non-receipt of such notice by any Member, shall not invalidate the notice.

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